Friday, 21 February 2014

Song of the Day - Small Things

Today's song of the day comes from American Indie-Pop band Smallpools. Currently, only one Smallpools EP is available, meaning their current array of songs is limited, but they have a clear style. Those of you who have played FIFA 14 will probably recognise their single Dreaming, which reached #23 in the US Alternative Songs chart, noted for it's upbeat and fun sound.

Today's song, Over and Over, is similar in it's upbeat nature and is extremely different to the other songs so far.

So What's So Good?

Over and Over is so different to the other songs so far due to it's abundant happiness. Accurately titled Have a great summer, Smallpools' EP consists of 4 extremely happy, summer-y songs. Over and Over is no different, combining upbeat drums with radiant guitars and gleeful synths. Sean Scanlon's bouncy vocals intertwine well with the synth-heavy melodies, creating a feelgood nature around the song. Smallpools have a knack of creating catchy hooks and the chorus to this song is no different. 

Over and Over is a typical indie-pop tune, which is not always something I am a fan of but Smallpools for some reason are different. I realise that they aren't to everyone's taste and some may find their excessive joy tiresome and grating, but some happiness is always welcome.

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